225: The Genius of Van Gogh, Part 3
Vincent Van Gogh’s work is so unique I’ve renamed blogs #195 and #211 (originally titled Painting Like Van Gogh, now The Genius of Van Gogh) because ...
Vincent Van Gogh’s work is so unique I’ve renamed blogs #195 and #211 (originally titled Painting Like Van Gogh, now The Genius of Van Gogh) because ...
Dream of Light, 44″ x 44″, work in progress I‘m excited to share some new ideas about painting with thick acrylics on a highly absorbent groun...
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. I’m pleased to offer another Concert Window event tomorrow at 9pm EDT. This event will focus on painting acrylic washes over a highly ...
Much of the discussion of art is plagued with false dichotomies. Is realism the only legitimate art form, or is abstraction? There are at least two types of cre...
Evolution of Blue, 48″ x 36″, acrylic Acrylic is an amazingly flexible medium–if you know how to use it. In the video below–another free Gbox exclus...
My online book The Art of Thick Paint now has accompanying video with every chapter. Click here or on the book cover below to read the book. Both text and ...
I added a new chapter about composition to my online book The Art of Thick Paint. Composition is one of the most importa...
Tectonic Shift, 10″ x 10″, acrylic on canvas There comes a time in every artist’s journey when major changes are inevitable. Usually it’...
I recently downloaded an app called Veescope Live. It allows for filming with a green screen with iMovie. This means I can put a video or still image behind me ...
Ghost, Woodcut, 1.5″ x 1″ Due to factors beyond my control I’ve recently experienced a creative low ebb. To use the time produc...
Thumbnails from TurningArt.comshowing four of my woodcuts and five paintings. In the 90s a type of mechanical print became fashionable called giclee prints. The...
Close-up of large acrylic LEARNING to paint embraces a wide array of skills. It requires motor skills, or the simple act of applying paint. It requires intellec...
Autumn Color, 24″ x 24″, oil on canvas I regularly use two tools from Accurasee– an extremely well designed pencil holder called the Sketc...
I was walking along the foothills of my neighborhood and reflecting on how a large tract of untouched land at the eastern edge of our community has recently bee...
A common obstacle for new painters is to get blocked in the improvement cycle. This means we have trouble closing the gap between the frustrating phase of ...
I HAVE never experimented much with gouache–probably from bad experiences using the chalkier, less versatile version known as designers gouache back i...