219: Make your [own] mark
Recently I’ve been impressed with the absolute necessity of developing a unique style. While it’s tempting to follow a current fad–especially if it ...
Recently I’ve been impressed with the absolute necessity of developing a unique style. While it’s tempting to follow a current fad–especially if it ...
I RECEIVED an email the other day asking about the advisability of pursuing a career in art. In general if someone truly wants to be an artist no amou...
AS I WAIT for my new studio to be completed I decided to reconfigure my old studio for painting experimentation. I removed my couch and added a set of fou...
–RECENTLY I was a guest on the Zion Art Society podcast, with Dr. Micah Christenen, and was asked about my experience as an illustrator in New York Ci...
–SLEEPING well is a struggle for me. I often face the easel wishing I could have slept better, more prepared to paint well. Too often exhaustion casts a sh...
–TO be successful artists need to learn how to generate and maintain energy. The best ways are to eat well, sleep well, exercise, and meditate. For me the key t...
–WHEN we are unhappy, we fixate on what is wrong. It becomes difficult to focus on the positive. Our current unhappy state casts a shadow over our present ...
–”YOU can’t till you can” sounds like a quip from baseball’s low-brow philosopher Yogi Bera. But it’s actually a quote from ü...