Author: Brad Teare
51 Door County Plein Air Festival
A few weeks ago I received an invitation to attend the Door County Plein Air Festival 2010. I was pleased, of course, and after investigating the geographic uni...
52 Painting with thick acrylics
In this video I add light molding paste from Golden Acrylics to my colors. I also add some Golden Open acrylics (a slow drying formula) to prolong painting...
53 The pursuit of beauty
I was invited one summer to an artist residency at the Maynard Dixon studio in Mt. Carmel, Utah. It is a rustic place, little changed from Maynard Dixon’s...
54 Plein air gear
IN this video I review the necessary equipment to paint in the field. I detail the paints I use and why as well as variations of standard equipment, such as bru...
55 Interview with Edward Martinez
I first met Edward Martinez in the summer of 2006 at an artists residency at Forbes Trinchera Ranch hosted by Christopher Forbes and American Artist magazine. A...
56 Remedial painting 101
ALTHOUGH I am primarily self-taught I have been privileged to take workshops from several excellent painters. But it has always mystified me how assimilating in...
57 Teare exhibit
THIS is a two minute video of highlights from a show Debra and I recently had at the Frank Prince Gallery in Logan, Utah. Frank does our framing for us and had ...
58 Painting wet-into-dry
THIS video shows how I apply really thick paint over a previously dry layer. I also add some glazing and scumbling as well as some thin dry brush strokes to sof...
59 The problem with black
MANY painters avoid the use of black and prohibit it from the palettes of their students. Theoretically there is nothing wrong with black. After all–the color p...
Painting in the field can be a daunting experience. I purposely made this experience easier by keeping my paint application thin and adding grayer pigments to m...
61 Mental preparation
LIKE an athlete preparing for a major marathon I have been getting ready for the plein air festival on the peninsula of Door County, Wisconsin. And like many at...
MY wife and I recently returned from a plein air festival in Door County, Wisconsin. We had a wonderful time. The event was well planned by the Peninsula S...
63 What I learned in Door County
PERIODS of intense painting can be extremely productive in advancing painting ability which make plein air festivals, like the one I recently attended in Door C...
64 Painting Door County
Door County was so beautiful I couldn’t resist putting together another video. I once again demonstrate doing a sketch, and using Burnt Sienna to do my in...