359: A New Chapter, and a Mentorship Group
—AS MANY of you know, my wife, Debra Teare, passed away four years ago. For those who have experienced such a loss, you know such trauma activates unexpected ch...
—AS MANY of you know, my wife, Debra Teare, passed away four years ago. For those who have experienced such a loss, you know such trauma activates unexpected ch...
– FOR the last few years for at least once a month I browsed the internet for articles about Thick Paint or Painting with Thick Paint finding no entries t...
A short video describing how I work with thick paint.
… ONE of the most critical aspects of thick painting, and the most mystifying, is loading the brush. Using thick strokes of color with just one solid pigm...
There are lots of ways to load a brush. This is one way I have found to get lush strokes of broken color.
.. One afternoon I was looking out a window and noticed a small speck of dirt on the glass. I discovered if I closed one eye and positioned the speck over the s...
In order to paint with spontaneity you have to do a lot of planning. Trying to inject spontaneity without proper planning is inviting disaster. My approach is t...
AS I’ve become more adept at the technical aspects of applying paint I have become more and more concerned about composition. It is as if learning to appl...
WHEN I load a brush I want to include as much variation as possible. This includes adding complementary color, variations of value, as well as color schemes suc...
OCCASIONALLY strength can be a weakness. For instance, sometimes we see too well and actually need something to simplify the amazing visual acuity mother n...
... ALTHOUGH I love thick paint one of the disadvantages is that once the paint is dry it is quite difficult to make changes. I’ve struggled with a variet...
ALTHOUGH I love thick painting one of the disadvantages is that once the paint is dry it is quite difficult to make changes. I’ve struggled with a variety...