224: Live Meercat demo tonight

Tonight (31 March 2015) at 9:00 Eastern Time I will broadcast a free live demo using Meercat which will consist of painting on two large acrylic paintings. If you are a Twitter follower you will automatically get a tweet to sign on. During the demo you will be able to pose questions via Twitter. Click here to follow my Twitter feed or sign in with Meercat here.

The demo will be useful for acrylic painters of all levels but will also be a test of Meercat so please bear with me while I work out any bugs. But I appreciate your attendance and any feedback you can give. We will be talking about using chalk with acrylic and creating interesting textures. I am confident there will be some great tips for acrylic painters of all stripes.

See you soon.

UPDATE: We had a good session but I didn’t get any questions via Twitter so that aspect of the process didn’t work very well. I’m planning a repeat demo on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 9 EDT via Concert Window. It will be a free broadcast. I hope to see you there. Sign up via Concert Window here.

It might be profitable to review the following video as we will use the demonstrated techniques as a point of departure:

Brad Teare–March 2015

Buy Brad’s Art Online Today

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