220: Upload your videos to THICK PAINT

Dream of Light, 44″x44″, Close-up

As many of you know I’m an early adopter and enthusiast of Gbox–the superior alternative to YouTube. They have a new widget that allows readers such as yourselves to upload videos on this site. The videos could take the form of a demo, or you could show a painting problem you would like Thick Paint readers to diagnose, or you could show a recent painting you have completed

Sharing ideas has always been the heart of this blog. I have long wished readers could post images in the comments but I think this might be a better alternative. In the next phase of Thick Paint evolution exchanging ideas will be easier and more valuable.

In order to post a video you do need to make an account at Gbox. My preference would be to use the Donation Option so we all can watch for free. Making an account is easy. I hope you will give it a try.

Brad Teare–March 2015

Below is a video contributed by Peter Senesac. Many thanks for trying this out, Peter.

Buy Brad’s Art Online Today

Updated: 4th March 2025
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