164 One million visits
A few weeks ago the Thick Paint blog logged over a million visits. In the blog’s seven year history it has had visits from nearly every country on the pla...
A few weeks ago the Thick Paint blog logged over a million visits. In the blog’s seven year history it has had visits from nearly every country on the pla...
A common obstacle for new painters is to get blocked in the improvement cycle. This means we have trouble closing the gap between the frustrating phase of ...
I was walking along the foothills of my neighborhood and reflecting on how a large tract of untouched land at the eastern edge of our community has recently bee...
Close-up of large acrylic LEARNING to paint embraces a wide array of skills. It requires motor skills, or the simple act of applying paint. It requires intellec...
–WHY is art important? This is a question even artists, who should appreciate art the most, have trouble answering. When people choose to trivialize the importa...