254: Social Media Wars–the power of Pinterest

Screen shot of my woodcut board

IN the ongoing clash between social media a few favorites are emerging for visual artists. I’ve had a Pinterest account for awhile but had not fully exploited its power. Yesterday I added a board (a board is an online portfolio) for my abstracts, my oil landscapes, and my woodcuts. (See my Pinterest Widget below.)

I like the design logic of Pinterest which makes Facebook seem like a tabloid. Pinterest is easy and reliable and I love being able to make portfolios of favorite artists and techniques I’m currently studying. To add a Pin button to your Chrome browser to collect images as you browse the internet go here.

I originally used Pinterest to make collections of ideas for my studio. I was able to quickly assemble a selection of architectural, lighting, and furnishing solutions. I normally don’t enjoy activities that are too akin to shopping but Pinterest made it fun to both collect the visual information and review it later.

In today’s competitive market if social media is not fun it will be obsolete–as I think Facebook will be soon. Facebook suffers from a terminal lack of design and style. Design and style are not simply decoration–design and style are expressions of the logic and ease with which users approach the venue. They are the ambience in which users feel comfortable–or don’t. Facebook is an artless solution that will eventually morph into something else (I suspect it will be cannibalized by Instagram).

Let me know how you use Pinterest to advance your painting projects.

Visit Brad’s profile on Pinterest.

Brad Teare –October 2015

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