161 Frictionless creation

There is a concept circulating that suggests the main goal of the digital revolution is to reduce obstacles to creativity. This means eliminating barriers so all ideas can effortlessly find their audience.

For over a year now I have wanted to publish a Kindle book of essays exploring painting with thick paint. Recently Amazon offered a plugin for InDesign that claims to reduce friction between book creation and publication. Which, if true, means I can easily prepare a book with InDesign and will no longer have to format in Microsoft Word or HTML.

My first offering will be a collection of paintings with a brief paragraph explaining relevant information regarding it’s creation. This first project–which should be fairly simple–will be preliminary to a larger volume. I congratulate Amazon on its efforts to promote frictionless creativity. UPDATE: Check out the digital book via the button below.

Brad Teare March 2014

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Updated: 4th March 2025
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