132 New online class

I recently came across a great opportunity to start an online class. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time but just didn’t know enough about the process. I decided to try Concert Window. James Gurney recently used it and reported on his blog that it was a great experience. It seems like too fun an opportunity to pass up.

The class will be on September 11th at 9:00 pm EDT. I plan on doing a one hour demo on underpainting in preparation to complete a landscape in thick paint (other classes to follow). You can buy a ticket for $1 at Concert Window. I hope you will join us!

Here is the image I will be painting from. I will do a video about drawing from this sketch next Monday. If you would like to paint along with this project feel free to do a sketch based on this image or you can choose one of your own. This image is proportional to 16″ x 20″.

For more info watch the video below:

Brad Teare September 2013

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Updated: 3rd March 2025
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