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Solo show features Memories Past.

Brad’s composition is balanced, creating a transition from foreground reds and pinks to distant green and yellow buffalo grass. With excellent value handling, Memories Past 30” x 30” is a must-see at Brad’s solo show.

Memories Past: Vintage history of a desert ranch.

Brad Teare, thick-paint artist, is preparing for his solo show at Anthony’s Fine Art in March 2023, and one of the pieces that will be featured is titled Memories Past 30″ x 30″. The painting depicts a dilapidated old ranch that Teare saw on his way to Santa Fe, near the Utah-Colorado border. The ranch seemed abandoned, but the roofs of the outbuildings were intact, leading Brad to wonder if they were used for storage.

Brad’s painting is a testament to the history of the ranch and the surrounding area, which took many years to emerge. The ranch storage and sheds record an interesting history. Brad stopped along the road to sketch the scene, capturing the view from the highway, 20 feet away from the road, looking south as he traveled.

The painting evokes memories of LeConte Stewart, one of Brad’s favorite painters, who was known for his ability to capture the organic look of farmsteads in Utah. The outbuildings in Brad’s painting look like LeConte Stewart’s paintings, which were from a pristine era before the modern-day compression of farm building layout.

Brad explains that the painting came together nicely, without any major problem transitions. There were some passages that came together easily, while others required adjustments. Brad always struggles with straight lines and prefers to make them rustic and squiggly. The telephone poles and posts required some adjustment to ensure they did not look too mechanical.

The painting’s composition is balanced between the reds and pinks of the dirt and the greens of the sagebrush. The Buffalo grass is sparse in the foreground but creates a dense, green view in the distance. This creates a beautiful transition from the foreground reds and pinks to the distant green and yellow Buffalo grass, which obscures the red dirt.

Memories Past 30″ x 30″ is a beautiful painting that captures the history of an old ranch near the Utah-Colorado border. It reflects Brad’s ability to handle values well, resulting in a composition that is reminiscent of LeConte Stewart’s paintings. It is a must-see piece at Brad’s upcoming solo show at Anthony’s Fine Art.

About Brad Teare

Memories Past 30″ x 30″