51 Door County Plein Air Festival

A few weeks ago I received an invitation to attend the Door County Plein Air Festival 2010. I was pleased, of course, and after investigating the geographic uniqueness of Door County, Wisconsin, decided to accept the invitation. After the invitees were posted on the festival website I received an e-mail from a previous attendee who is also a reader of this blog. She reassured me that the event was absolutely first-class and that I would enjoy it immensely. Everything I’ve learned about the festival leads me to the same conclusion.

The festival organizers are incredibly generous and offered me and my wife lodging while attending the seven day festival. Such hospitality is hard to beat and for that reason, and others, we look forward to our visit to Door County. I will be conducting a least one workshop while I’m there. It should be a lot of fun. If you are in the area from July 19 to July 26 I hope you will join me.

Over the last year, due to a hard winter here in Utah, I have focused primarily on studio painting and like an athlete who has dropped out for a few seasons I definitely feel out of shape.

To remedy that I intend to begin an intense regimen of outdoor painting. I hope to fuse some of the things I’ve learned over the last year in the studio with my former plein air techniques. So over the course of the next two months I will be sharing my plein air experiences with you. I’ve also asked a few of the best plein air painters in America to share their views and techniques with the readers of Thick Paint.

The first interview will be long-time plein air painter Edward Martinez from Kent, Connecticut. I look forward to learning from such an extraordinary painter. Please feel free to post your questions and comments.

Brad Teare © 2010

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Updated: 3rd March 2025
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