In the video, I add red as a modifying color to a landscape painting. Many classic American Impressionists would add red to their pigments to give an overall harmony as well as using red to shift color along the spectrum between yellow and blue. They would use yellow to warm a color and blue to cool it. It’s a fascinating way to amp up your color. I was so happy with the results I have used it exclusively since this painting.
I filmed the video in my new studio. The sound is excellent due to my new lav mic and good studio acoustics. I used all new recording equipment. New to my process is the use of multiple camera angles to show the exact colors I mix on the palette to apply to the canvas. That was a missing feature in my Youtube videos. I think viewers will appreciate the upgrade. The entire video has live commentary or added voice over to give viewers the best educational experience possible.
What you will learn in this video:
-How to achieve bright, rich color using broken, or vibrational, color
-How to achieve a variety of effects with broken color
-Why adding red to colors works to unify and modify color
-How to use a palette knife effectively
-Which palette knives to use to get certain effects
-How to apply multiple layers of color over the top of each other
Items mentioned in the video:
–Windsor & Newton Bright Red
–Ginko Leaf Shaped palette knife
–Holbein Palette Knife 6S
–Holbein Palette Knife MX-2
–Holbein Palette Knife MX-H-12
-Creative Mark palette knife
I hope you will give the video a try. Please note that if you rent the video you can download it at any time within a 30-day span, but once you download it you have to watch it within 72 hours.
Please leave comments in the comment section below. I appreciate your help to make these videos even better in the future. Many thanks for your support.
Brad Teare –September 2018