After downloading the app my first impression wasn’t good, as the first category listed is astrology. I question the advisability of having my online efforts associated with fortune tellers. To be frank, I’m inclined to drop the service based on that unfortunate category alone. Another category is Flirt–not really conducive to fostering a professional environment. My advise would be to create a different app for those involved in more social, less professional endeavors. Another tweak they need to make are expanded categories. I’m listed as Life Coach and Tutor–not exactly the categories I would pick. My categories should be Artist and Painter. Key in Brad Teare in Carrot’s search box to see the specifics of my Carrot page.
But caché destroying marketing aside, I do think the idea is a good one. It provides a resource where struggling professionals can get quick fixes for specific problems. It could also be used as an online mentoring program. Mentors often want to help but simply can’t based on the often taxing requirements of those being mentored.
Charges for consultation vary and are made via Stripe, a service I had never heard of before (I would have preferred PayPal). My account is currently charging $.25 a minute. Carrot takes 15%. I decided on $.25 a minute as a way to experiment with the service and see if it is something useful for me as well as fellow painters who might call.
At any rate, it will be yet another experiment in the intriguing new world of internet connectivity. I’m flattered Carrot asked me to participate. We’ll see how it goes.
Brad Teare –November 2016