232: Tectonic Shift

Tectonic Shift, 10″ x 10″, acrylic on canvas

There comes a time in every artist’s journey when major changes are inevitable. Usually it’s when multiple paths have been pursued and it’s time to synthesize all the disparate parts of the art project into one complete whole.

In the accompanying painting I combined multiple techniques developed over the last fifteen years into one canvas. I’m not saying it’s a masterpiece–it’s only ten inches square–but it does encapsulate a vein of expression that can be expanded on for many painting sessions to come.

In the study of creativity there is a concept known as divergent/convergent thinking where one’s mind is filled with as many possibilities as possible only to reach a saturation point. The brain then begins a paring down procedure where harmonious elements are fused together. This is often a subconscious process. Such events often mark a major shift in the creative journey.

Hoping your journey is progressing well.

Brad Teare–May 2015

View painting and print on Saatchi Art.

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Updated: 4th March 2025
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