Recently I wrote about using rubber stoppers in Gamblin mediums to decrease drying in the bottle. Several people commented and I found the information shared in the comments to be more valuable than the original information in my blog. This is an example of how ideas can be leveraged as we share ideas. It may be a simple process but anybody who’s thrown away a half used bottle of medium knows it is also an important process.
Creativity is dependent on the fusion of available ideas. The Internet is making it possible to fuse new ideas at ever increasing rates. In short, sharing ideas equals the proliferation of innovation. I find this idea extremely energizing.
With the idea of further sharing ideas via the Internet I thought it might be fun to organize a Google hangout. On Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013 at 9 pm EDT I will be going online and accepting your requests to hangout on Google. Please make your request to join my circle at least one half hour before broadcast. Also, keep in mind that Google only allows ten people per session. One option is to make the session public for others to listen to as we talk so let me know what you think of that idea.
Possible topics include using chalk in mediums, our experiences using a variety of mediums, the art of composition, or anything else really. Let me know if you have any specific topics.
For info on how to participate go here and here.
Hope to talk to you soon!
Brad Teare October 2013