117 The unexpected power of Blurb

As I mentioned in an earlier post I recently published a collection of paintings and woodcuts with the on-demand publisher Blurb (see preview below). I felt such a book would be an excellent gift for collectors as well as a compelling way to tell my story in a gallery setting.

I’ve since had the pleasure of giving it to two collectors. The gift has been well received and I derived the satisfaction of giving back to those who make my career possible. The Southam Gallery displayed the book at a recent opening and I had the best one night sales I’ve had in many years. I attribute at least some of that success to the excellent printing and presentation of the Blurb book.

These benefits were hoped for but not unexpected. What I didn’t expect was the influx of blog readers via the Blurb site. Apparently Blurb attracts a lot of readers of fine art books. Blurb is my top traffic source this month and, amazingly, is currently the third most frequent traffic source in the history of my blog. The increase in readership due to publishing with Blurb was a complete surprise. I’m not naive enough to believe the trend will continue nor that traffic stats are the sole measure of value. But in the weird world of the internet numbers are often the difference between nominal success and wild success.

I pass these observations along to those who might be contemplating doing a book with Blurb but have yet to determine if it would be worthwhile. From my experience I highly recommend it. In fact, I plan on doing a new book whenever the volume of paintings warrants a new publication.

Click this link to begin your own book and get $20 off. Let me know if you experience similar results.

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Updated: 4th March 2025
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